Tuesday, July 26, 2011

God's Way is the Best Way

You know, even at the age of 19, Veggie Tales still has some very good reminders.

The Lord has given His Word to us,
No need to fuss, He knows what He’s doing.
We know that He will take care of us,
If we will follow Him.

God’s way is the best way,
Now that I know, He loves me so.
His way is the best way!
And that’s the way for me!

These words are exactly what I've been reminded of daily.

Having been back from Uganda for two weeks now, I've been able to talk to quite a few people about my trip, and of course, in talking to people, I always get questions. Some that have been asked over and over are, "any plans to go back?" and "what's next for you?" My answer, "I'm waiting for God to show me what His plans are for me next." Because as Veggie Tales puts it, God's Way is the BEST Way. I know that He will take care of me if I just follow Him.

So, my plans for now are to follow Him and have Him show me His way, because if I was living my life my way, I would already be living in Uganda doing "what I thought God wanted me to do." Boy am I happy I'm not living my life my way. This trip showed me that I'm not ready to be living in Uganda. I'm not prepared enough right now to be doing exactly what it is God wants me to be doing there. Whether that's medical work, working in an orphanage, teaching at a school, or working alongside a church.

I'm ready and willing to do whatever it is God wants me to do, and I'm excited to see what it is God has for me next.