Monday, June 16, 2014

If it is the Lord's will...

Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.” Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.” James 4:13-15

This is one of those verses that came at the exact right moment to encourage me and help me understand what’s going on in my life. When I told/tell people I’m here on a one way ticket, their next question is, “Well how long do you hope to stay for?” My answer was always at least a year. 

How foolish of me to try to plan that far in advance. It says in the scriptures that we don’t even know what will happen tomorrow, so how will I know what will happen in a year. I think I forgot my reasoning in buying a one-way ticket to begin with. It was not so I could be here forever or even for a year. I bought it because I don’t know what God holds for me in this place. Not tomorrow, not the next day, and not even a year from now. I’m here seeking the Lord’s will in my life. I’m here looking for answers from my omniscient Father; for I do not know what will come of tomorrow, but He is all-knowing and all-powerful, and will reveal to me in His perfect timing His will for my life. 

I’m learning to be content with not knowing my timing here. It’s a strange feeling, but the Lord is giving me a peace about it. I often ask myself, am I okay with staying here for a long time, or in the same breath, am I okay with going home much sooner than I thought. My time here is not in my hands. God knows when I will return home. He knows why He has me here. He knows what my purpose is here. I am here to do His will and that's all I'm called to do, no matter what the timing may be.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Reunions and Encouragement

My days here in Uganda have been filled with many reunions with old friends. This place here is all to familiar yet vastly different from what I’ve remembered. It’s been a blessing to come back and visit those I made relationships with in the past. 

When we arrived in Uganda, I think I was still in shock that I was finally here. We spent the night in Entebbe in a hotel called Banana Village. The next day we made the four hour drive to Mbale. Despite my enormously large headache, I was able to enjoy all the sights and scenery around me that I had missed so much. The drive to Mbale is always my favorite because there’s just so much to see and my mind often wonders to metaphors of my life with Christ. It gives me plenty of time to think, pray, and reflect on the beauty and sovereignty of our Lord. 

Our first week and a half was spent getting adjusted to a new life here in Uganda. We have been staying at my friend Kayla’s house with her husband and two kids. Kayla along with Taylor, Keesha and I, spent the summer of 2010 together here on quite the adventure. That was the last time I saw Kayla, so it’s been a blessing to catch up with her and see how God has been using her to be a wonderful wife and mother here in Uganda. 

We visited Namatala a few different times in the first week and a half of being here. It was very different to me. It was great to be there, but I was not overwhelmed with joy like I have been in being there in the past. I’ve spent a lot of my time lifting this up to my Lord and asking Him to clearly show me what He wants of me here. It’s been a confusing time being here, and it’s been strangely different than what I was expecting. I’ve felt conflicted about my feelings here, and I’m still not sure what to make of it all, but I know that it’s in the hands of my Savior and He is in control. 

The RMBC and Frontier team arrived here June 4th and it could not have been more perfectly orchestrated by God. To see familiar faces and get hugs from those I love was a huge encouragement. I broke down in the arms of my brother because of the joy I had in seeing him, but mainly because I really needed someone to talk to in order to process all my thoughts and feelings that I’ve had since being here. And who better to talk to than him. God planned their trip with perfect timing, knowing that I would need lots of encouragement and advice to help pick me up and reassure me of the peace that only comes from God. 

We were very welcomed in joining them throughout their time here. Tessa and I helped Martha with the children’s ministry on Thursday and Friday at Namunyu, and Monday and Tuesday at Busiu. We also participated in the VBS the Frontier students put on at Angalia which hosted 500+ children. My brother was the leader of this group and I could not be more proud to have him as my brother. God has really matured him over the years, and he definitely has the gift of leadership. The highlight of the day for me was teaching all the children how to share the Gospel with their friends and families. We can come over here and spread the Gospel as much as we want, but the true fruit is when they learn to become evangelists themselves, because they can and will make such an impact on this country. It got me a little teary eyed at the end, knowing there were children there who would eventually spread the love of Jesus with those they knew. Sunday, I was able to go to a church called Wanghale with my brother and Michaela, which a was good day spent with two people I love very much. The time with the church team was very encouraging, and I was able to seek godly advice about this journey God has me on. Prayers were answered, questions were answered, and I’ve felt a major peace cover me after many discussions with a few different people.

We are back working with I Choose You for the next week, assisting in whatever needs to be done. Our time here has flown by already. I’m excited for our next adventure in Gulu to meet all of Tessa’s friends and to see what she was doing there last year. It’s been so fun being here with my best friend and having her encouragement the whole way through. God has been closing doors and guiding me throughout my time here. I know He has an incredible plan for me and my prayer is that I would be 100% open to whatever it is He may have for me.