Thursday, July 2, 2009

Recap of My First Two Weeks in Africa

I apologize for not writing more often. I haven't had much access to the Internet so it's been hard trying to write on this. For now I'm just going to write on my first two weeks to let everyone know how that went. I'll write about the rest of my trip later because I am short on time.

First off, I'm going to start with writing about how much I enjoyed our team. It was awesome to see so many people from so many different places come together and serve our Lord. Everyone was such an encouragement to me and I enjoyed getting to know each and every one of them. I also really enjoyed getting to see "newbies" share the love that I have with the Ugandan people. We could not have had a better team put together! It was awesome!

Our church plant was actually named Busiu (a little mix up in communication) so for the week we went out around the Busiu village sharing the Gospel with anyone who wanted to hear. It is so humbling to come here and be able to share the love of God and not be judged or looked down on because you are a Christian. Because I came here with a cold, my first day out hut-to-hut I went with Bekah Kennedy just in case I didn't have the strength or ability (because of my cough) to keep going. The day was great Bekah shared with most everyone and while she was sharing, I was coughing like crazy. The one house I shared out God kept me from coughing and I was able to present the Gospel with no interruptions. The rest of the week, I went hut-to-hut with Vicki and our two translators Charles and Roger. Each day was such a blessing because I was able to share words of encouragement to the believers and share Jesus with the non-believers. In between huts, we got to know our translators and fellowship with them. We found out that Roger came to know the Lord the first year we went hut-to-hut at Angalia! Such an encouragement and such a blessing!

The two best days for me were Thursday when I went to schools and the second Monday when we were able to go back to Kerekeren, a church we planted last year. On Thursday, we went to three schools. The first school was primary and the last two were secondary. To my surprise I enjoyed the secondary schools a lot more than the primary schools. I really feel God has been burdening my heart for the teenagers this year and to turn my focus more to them than the kids. The first secondary school we went to was not expecting us and was a Muslim based school. Because they weren't expecting us, it took a while for us to convince them to let us visit them. God worked a miracle and they allowed us to come in even though it was their lunch break and there would not be many kids. After we finished our testimonies and the lesson, we had an altar call. It took quite a while for the first kid to stand up and come forward to confess that he had accepted Christ. It was awesome to see the boldness he had to show his new found love for the Lord. The second secondary school we went to was a Christian school so it was awesome to be able to fellowship with believers! We had enough time before and after testimonies and the lesson to be able to talk with the kids which was such an amazing experience just to get to know them, to find out their likes and dislikes, what they wanted to do after secondary school, what their favorite subject was. I enjoyed it so much! It was such a great day to experience the Lord's work in such a different way!

My day at Kerekeren was by far the best. My heart has been so burdened for the people around this village and I am so blessed to be able to know these wonderful people. There was a little girl last year that I really connected with. I spent everyday with her just hanging out and playing with her. My one prayer request this year was to be able to see this little girl again and be reunited with her. I stepped out of the van and an overwhelming feeling came over me! My translator and his wife found me and greeted me with their new baby boy! I was so grateful to see them again. While catching up with them, Taylor came up to me holding my little girl in her arms. Immediately tears of joy came rushing out of my eyes! I was so excited to see her! She's just as beautiful as I remembered her. I was able to meet her dad which was so great for me because now I know she's not an orphan! God answered my prayers and made me the happiest girl ever! I was so blessed to be able to spend the day with her and love on her.

It is so awesome to see the work God is doing here in Uganda and that He has chosen me to serve Him here. God has blessed me beyond belief with the opportunity to be here and love on the Ugandan people. I praise God everyday for how great and powerful He is. None of this could be done without Him.

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