Thursday, August 4, 2011

A Godsend

Please be praying for this precious baby today.

His name is David.
A.K.A. Loru

When David was born, he had no way of going poop, so this was a temporary solution to that problem. He was supposed to have it completely fixed seven months ago, but the family didn't have enough money to have the operation done. That's where Becky Ball, founder of I Choose You, stepped in. People in the U.S. had donated extra money for Becky to use however she felt led, and God led her straight to this precious little boy.

Becky used that money to bless this family with the gift of life to their little boy. Without this surgery David would not live much past the age of five. Thankfully, God directs our paths in just the right ways at exactly the right times.

On June 7, David had his first of two surgeries to correct his intestines, check for infection, and make a whole in his butt for the poop to pass. Eight weeks later, they were to schedule the second surgery to close up the hole on his abdomen, re correct the intestines and make sure the poop would pass through to the hole in his butt.

Eight weeks later is TODAY. Pray for this precious family as they put their one-year-old baby boy through a grueling surgery. Pray that they would trust in the Lord with all their heart. Pray that the surgery would go smoothly, with no infection and no problems. Pray for wisdom for the doctors. Pray that this little boy would grow up to be a leader in his community testifying about the great work the Lord has done in his life. The surgery will be going on while we're sleeping tonight. So please lift them up before your head hits the pillow tonight and first thing when you wake up tomorrow morning.

He's already happy as can be, and I praise God for that daily. The whole family accepted Jesus as their Savior and have been faithfully attending church. The dad used to be a Muslim but when we talked to him about Jesus, he said, "I have seen the LIGHT. I once was a Muslim, but I know it is wrong and I need Jesus." WOW! That just blew me away and still does. I had the privilege of leading both the mom and the dad in the sinners prayer on two different days. Taylor and I were able to build an awesome relationship with this family. They were definitely the highlight of my trip, and I wish so badly I could be with them as they prepare for this surgery. But I am at peace knowing that God is with them and that is enough.

They mean the absolute world to me!

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