Monday, September 26, 2011

Nangiro Betty

Betty is twenty-seven years old and has four children ages thirteen, seven, six, and two. Her and her husband both used to be street beggars hoping to collect even the littlest amount to support their family. Two months ago, Betty's house burned down. They are now renting a place in Namatala and praying to eventually buy a home in the future. 

Betty and her family have lived in Namatala for the past two years. Before moving to Namatala, they lived in a village called Moroto which is in the North. She migrated down south due to the famine and wars going on there. 

As a little girl, Betty dreamed of becoming a police woman to protect her country. She does not know how to sew but is in the process of learning how to make beads and door mats. 

Betty is incredibly grateful that her daughter is in school because of IChooseYou. She is also thankful that she is no longer an alcoholic and in bondage to the sin of drinking. Betty feels very blessed that she is bale to afford food for her family to eat.

Please pray with Betty that God will bless her with a home and that she will be a woman who can make a difference in other women's lives.

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